Cronos Awarded Newly Established GSA MAS 8(a) Pool!

Cronos Consulting Group, Inc. is excited to announce that it has been awarded the newly established General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) 8(a) Pool!
Companies accepted into the newly established 8(a) MAS Pool will receive a designation that indicates to agency buyers that they are eligible for 8(a) sole source awards and competitive set-asides. Federal agencies will be able to leverage the size and scale of the MAS marketplace to achieve their small disadvantaged business (SDB) contracting goals while they make smart purchasing decisions.
Customer agencies will be able to place 8(a) directed awards on the GSA MAS Schedule. This initiative will result in increased ordering flexibility under the GSA Schedule program and streamline the acquisition process, further incentivizing agencies to contract with 8(a) firms. It will also provide government buyers with greater access to a large number of 8(a) contractors that will help agencies meet their small and socioeconomic business contracting goals.
How to use new MAS 8(a) Sole Source Pool
Who: Federal agencies, state and local government entities, tribal and territorial governments.
What: Place Multiple Award Schedule sole source 8(a) orders up to $4.5 million, or up to $7 million for orders (with assigned manufacturing NAICS). 8(a) competitive orders may be placed at any dollar value.
When: If a MAS vendor is in the new 8(a) Sole Source Pool, they will be identified on e-Library with the indicator “8aS.” This indicates they are eligible for both sole source and competitive 8(a) awards. MAS vendors who remain in the 8(a) pool but are eligible for competitive orders only will be identified with the indicator “8a.”
Where: Find eligible MAS 8(a) vendors with either the “8aS” indicator or the “8a” indicator. Get help placing orders with our online buying tools.
Why: Increase 8(a) small business utilization and further diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility objectives.
How: All contractors in the MAS 8(a) SSP have base schedule contracts that have been offered to and accepted by SBA at the MAS contract level. Ordering contracting officers can set aside awards to these contractors on a competitive or sole source basis. Order level offer and acceptance is not required for competitive awards. One benefit of the partnership agreement is that SBA has already approved COs to make competitive 8(a) buys below the competitive threshold. For sole source awards, you must complete order level offer and acceptance with SBA prior to award.
The new 8(a) pool represents SBA’s long-term commitment to support the development of 8(a) firms and provide federal agencies a way to deliver mission-critical services working with the Nation’s small, disadvantaged businesses.